Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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How does YARAify work? YARAhub Rule Guidelines What is TLP? Can I use data from YARAify commercially? Terms of Services (ToS)

How does YARAify work?

YARAify is a platform which allows IT security researchers to scan files against a large set of public and non-public YARA rules. Such files could be suspicious files obtained e.g. by email, unpacked samples or suspicious process dumps. YARAify features a large set of public YARA rules. However, it also includes such from Malpedia. In order to see matches of non-public YARA rules from Malpedia, you need to have an Malpedia account and link your Malpedia API-key with your YARAify account.

You may scan files through the web UI or the extensive API. When doing so, you can choose whether you also want to scan the file with ClamAV and/or unpack it (available for PE executables / DLL files only). You may also indicate whether you want to share the sample with the community.

You can setup custom live hunting rules. Whenver a new file is observed on YARAify matching your hunting rule, you will get notify either by email or Pushover. You may also deploy your own YARA rules. However, to do so, you need to authenticate with your Twitter account first.

YARAhub Rule Guidelines

Before you deploy your own YARA rules on YARAhub, we strongly recommend you to read through this FAQ carefully. It does not only describe what optional and mandatory YARA meta fields YARAhub interprets but also how you can keep control over your YARA rule, i.e. if and under which circumstances it should be shared.

The table below documents all optional and mandatory YARA meta fields which YARAhub will interpret:

meta fieldRequired?CommentSample value
authorNoName of the YARA rule authorJohn Doe
descriptionNoShort description of the YARA ruleDetects holes in Swiss cheese
dateYesDate when the YARA rule has been written. Format: YYYY-MM-DD2022-04-26
yarahub_author_twitterNoTwitter handle of the YARA rule author@abuse_ch
yarahub_author_emailNoEmail address of the YARA rule
yarahub_reference_linkNoOnline reference (hyperlink) for this YARA rule
yarahub_reference_md5YesMD5 hash of a sample (file) that should match this YARA rule68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940
yarahub_uuidYesA unique UUID 4 identifying this YARA ruledf0f1e72-8249-4662-918c-faa3475f0455
yarahub_licenseYesCreative Commons license under which you want to share your YARA rule.CC0 1.0
Please choose from one of the possible values:
CC0 1.0Public domain, no copyright
CC BY 4.0Attribution required
CC BY-SA 4.0Attribution required, share alike
CC BY-ND 4.0Attribution required, no derviatives
CC BY-NC 4.0Attribution required, no commercial
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Attribution required, no commercial, share alike
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Attribution required, no commercial, no derivatives
yarahub_rule_matching_tlpYesThis TLP defines whether YARA matches of this rule should be publicly visible or notTLP:WHITE
yarahub_rule_sharing_tlpYesThis TLP defines whether the YARA rule itself should be shared or notTLP:WHITE
malpedia_familyNoMalware family name using Malpedia naming schemewin.emotet

Here's an example how the meta information of YARA rule may look like:

rule test_rule_YARAify {

      author = "John Doe - Big Data and Machine Learning Cyber Threat Company LLC"
      description = "Detects holes in Swiss cheese"
      date = "2022-04-26"
      yarahub_author_twitter = "@abuse_ch"
      yarahub_author_email = ""
      yarahub_reference_link = ""
      yarahub_reference_md5 = "68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940"
      yarahub_uuid = "bcbf6764-19ae-44f1-adb1-db0d23c100fb"
      yarahub_license = "CC0 1.0"
      yarahub_rule_matching_tlp = "TLP:WHITE"
      yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp = "TLP:GREEN"
      malpedia_family = "win.emotet"



A few general comments on writing & submitting YARA rules to YARAhub:

What is TLP?

The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) defines the sharing policy of an information. YARAify is using TLP to provide an author of a YARA rule on YARAhub the posibility defining if and how the YARA rule (yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp) and/or the corresponding YARA rule matches (yarahub_rule_matching_tlp) should be shared. YARAiy is using TLP definition from the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams ( Below a short summary how YARAify will handle YARA rules under the different TLP classifications.

TLP classificationMeaning
TLP:WHITEMatching files and/or the YARA rule itself is publicly accessible and being shared with anyone.
TLP:GREENMatching files and/or the YARA rule itself is not public. However, they might be accessible and being shared within the ecosystem (e.g. MalwareBazaar) along with vendors (while taking yarahub_license in account) excluding authenticated YARAify users.
TLP:AMBERMatching files and/or the YARA rule itself is not public. It is used within the ecosystem exclusively.
TLP:REDMatching files and/or the YARA rule itself is not public. It is exclusively being used within YARAify.

We recommend you to set yarahub_rule_matching_tlp to TLP:WHITE. If you don't want to share your YARA rule in public, we recommend you to use TLP:GREEN or TLP:AMBER for yarahub_rule_sharing_tlp. We would like to encourange you to not use TLP:RED. Please also note that even if you share your YARA rule in public, it doesn't necessarily mean that vendors or 3rd parties can use your rule in a commercial matter. There is a dedicated meta field called yarahub_license with which you can the license type of your YARA rule using (by using Creative Commons).

Can I use data from YARAify commercially?

Yes! You can use any data provided by YARAify for commercial and non-commercial purpose - for free. This includes reselling or ingeration into commercial products. Please take note that YARA rules have a separate license agreement. You are obliged to respect the license agreement chosen by the author of the YARA rule.

Terms of Services (ToS)

By using the website of YARAify or any of it's services / datasets, you agree that: